About Us
Raven Communications Inc.’s approach to telecommunication and cable construction is to create, modify, enhance, and protect the business environment of our clients. The carefully balanced combination of knowledge of the local conditions, the innovative approach to communications, and the experience in work, enhance our capabilities. Adherence to stringent ethical standards, as well as the use of creative communication tools make us capable of optimally satisfying the communications needs of our clients.
Our Merits
- Unique and creative solutions that meet the clients’ expectations not only by realizing the clients’ business
objectives, but particularly by our strict adherence to the ethical principles of construction. - Continuous search for opportunities beyond the agreed communications and business objectives.
- Creative approaches to the clients’ special needs in order to find unique and tailored communications solutions.
- Team work based on the implementation of progressive communications disciplines.
- Professional quality of services provided by a highly-motivated team.
- Courage and readiness to communicate on behalf of client in crisis.
- Strong technological background.
- 24/7 availability.
Client Relations
There is no such thing as an information vacuum. When there is a lack of hard information, hearsay fills the gap. The ability to promptly communicate key messages to our clients can improve perceptions of products and services, but only assuming that basic ethical principles are respected. It is only these principles which can provide a long term professional relationship with our clients based on the quality of information. Building client relations is surely no secret veiled in magic.
Well managed client relations have a major positive impact on company reputation and should not be neglected under any circumstances. Strategy and tactics in client relations are always reflected in Raven Communications Inc.’s activities. Our client relations specialists have extensive experience in this field.
Apart from company spokespersons, it is also members of the board or other executives or employees who act as a company’s spokesperson. Formulating and communicating key messages is a matter of drill, not talent, and it can be learned. All communications programs are based on knowledge of client relations and public appearance principles.
- Identification of Key Client Contacts
- Key Message Development
- Q&A Development
Crisis Management
A communications crisis is a situation where the reputation of a company is at stake. No crisis though is foreseeable in advance but risks, including communications risks are. Successful crisis management by Raven Communications Inc. standards is based on creative processing of available information, on a timely and responsible reaction and on creative communications solutions. No smaller thing is at stake than the company’s good name and reputation – its most precious assets. A communications crisis without a prompt resolution may lead to the undermining of customers’ and employees’ trust and a direct loss of financial and business opportunities.
Crisis Management employs a wide range of public relations tools. Raven Communications Inc. has extensive experience in dealing successfully with various crisis situations in Florida. Seeking counsel in crisis management demonstrates a responsible approach to preventing and minimizing the potential negative impact of any crisis.
We are ready to assist you in dealing with crisis situations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 356 days a year.